Tuesday 8 March 2011

Homework - 5 Objects in 5 Places

This homework task was to photograph 5 different objects in five different places and each image had to include a person or people.  The images then had to be cropped into a 8 inch x 8 inch square at 300 dpi.  Also each photograph had to be taken with a different ISO setting.

For this image I used a slow shutter speed 1/50s and an aperture of F7.1.  The image was taken indoors with an overhead light.  The shutter speed worked well and I could not use a slower setting as I could not use my tripod because I had to position myself over the bath so I could take the photograph. The aperture of 7.1 allowed me to focus on the subject.  The ISO was set on 3200 because I had been playing with my camera settings beforehand and forgot to adjust it.

This image was taken with a shutter speed of 1/50s and aperture F14 a wide depth of field.  The slow shutter speed ensured exposure with the small aperture.  I have played with this image in photoshop and desaturated the image and then used the history brush to colour in some of the graffiti on the wall to give the illusion that my daughter is colouring in the wall art.  The ISO was set on 250.

For this image I have used a slow shutter speed of 1/8s and an aperture of F7.1.  My daughter was shaking her head and this has created the illusion that the fan is blowing and distorting her face.  I wish I had tied some ribbon to the fan to blow outwards to convey the visual message and making a stronger image.  The ISO was set on 250.

This image was taken with my macro lens which is a good lens for portraiture if I can get some distance between my tripod and my subject.  I have used my phone connected to my laptop to act as a remote control.  This image was taken indoors with an overhead light and a slow shutter speed of 1/6s and aperture of F5.6 which ensured exposure.  I have used a wide aperture with has allowed a shallow depth of field and only my subject is in focus and the background is blurred out.  The slow shutter speed allowed enough light into the lens which was needed with limited light.  The ISO was set on 640.

This image was taken with a fast shutter speed of 1/640 and an aperture of F10.  I shot the image lying on the ground so only the blue sky, the balloons and hand were withing the frame.  The balloons did not have helium in and there was to wind so the fast shutter speed was needed because the balloons were moving around.  I don't think the shutter speed was fast enough as you can see in the shadowing on the red balloon.  The ISO was set on 400.


Quite a tricky task which really gets the imagination going.  At first a had problems thinking about what I was going to photograph but by the end of the task I was thinking about many different ideas.  When taking the photographs I was thinking about shooting everything in the centre of the frame but now I realise that the subject can be anywhere within the frame as the 8 inch x 8 inch crop can be taken from anywhere within the frame.  This task has taught me that really interesting images can be created from photographs by just cropping a section of the image.  A couple of the images have been shot with the same ISO but I have ran out of time to shoot again.

1 comment:

  1. Hi
    A really good response to the little assignment, truly lovely images which are very evocative of childhood. Well thought out images with good technical control, can you continue in this vein with the images for this course.
    I like your mini evaluations after each blog and they are highlighting for you the areas to improve.

