Thursday 16 June 2011

The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974

The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 which is abbreviated to HSWA, HASWA or HASAWA is the act passed by parliament.  This act was passed to ensure that the welfare of people is complied with within the workplace.  The act is constructed of the general duties of employers, employees and contractors to ensure that the workplace is a safe place.  The act is available for download on the internet.

Whilst I have been out with my camera I have taken every care to ensure that I have acted in a safe manner.  Whilst shooting near water I have been careful no accidents could occur like falling into water and in parks I have always respected the trees and plants making sure I been careful where I have stood.  When I have been in towns and particulary Paris I have always obtained a map and taken care near the roads and on underground trains.  I have written safety considerations in my posts explaining what safety considerations were took.

1 comment:

  1. Accident or injury can happen at anytime in the workplace, so health and safety act very useful to keep the work place safe for the worker.

    Arnold Brame
    Health and Safety Training.
